To begin series of presentations for this semester let's talk about... The End Time aka Doomsday event.
In nearly every religion one can find prophecies about the end of the world. Most of them foresee that at the end of time there will be a huge battle between good and evil. Let's have a closer look...
Doomsday event is described as the "Last Judgement". It can be found in various places in the Holy Bible, such as Gospel of Mathew and books of Daniel, Isaiah and the book of Revelation.
According to them:
"When the thousand years have expired, Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle, whose number is as the sand of the sea.".
This will be followed by a fight between God and Satan. After a swift battle evil is destroyed and the last judgement will take place:
"And they were judged, each one according to his works. And Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire."
The Last Judgment by Michelangelo.
In Islamic eschatology there are many signs for the coming of Judgement Day.
- The coming of an Antichrist (one eyed with a sign on his forehead), Imam Mahdi and then Prophet Jesus.
- The sun will swallow the moon.
- Major earthquakes will destroy mountains and cause Earth's body to break.
- The blowing of the first Trumpet killing all humans on Earth.
- The blowing of the second Trumpet marking resurrection.
Gog and Magog, the foul creatures will destroy supplied of food and water.
After that the Judgement will begin: the righteous are rewarded with the pleasures of Jannah, while the unrighteous are punished in Jahannam.
The Holy book - Tora mentions very little about the end of the world. Book of Amos says that one should not wait for the judgement day. However it is said that when the day comes Messiah will battle with armies of Gog and Magog, after which the leader of their armies will be brought to mount Sinai, judged and killed. The world will be cleansed of all evil and a new house of God will be built.
The scroll of Tora
Who is Gog and Magog anyway?
Good question, they (it?) appear in Islam, Judaism, Christianity but it is not clear who or what they are. Some say they are a single character, whole nation, or even a land. All that is clear is that Gog and Magog will surface near the end of the world and lead theirs armies agains the forces of good.
Gog and Magog statues at Gaunt's clock in the Royal Arcade, Melbourne, Australia
Why do you think every culture contains a doomsday prophecy and how can you explain Gog and Magog appearance in three of the biggest religions? Coincidence or not...?
Stay tuned for part two to learn what will happen in year 2012 and how many comets are heading towards Earth...