Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Week 1


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read one of the presentations and comment on it in our blog.


  1. According to post about most dangerous jobs I would like to say something about High Voltage Cable Inspection. I saw film about this guy who is checking if everything is ok with cables two or three years before and it made big impression on me. Before I saw it I did not know that there is this kind of job as Cable Inspector, It seems to be very dangerous, but on the end of this film narrator said that this it is not.. I do not know what to think about it :)

    But in my opinion there are also more popular jobs (and dangerous at least that same as Cable Inspector) - e.g. fireman.

  2. I have a comment on genetically engineered foods.
    In my opinion it should be accepted. GM food is not about making monster carrots or blue strawberries, it's about min/maxing output which the world needs. Why use pesticides when you can modify a plant to be resistant to pests.

    People think GM food is bad because they don't know anything about it. Same thing goes with AI software, people buy it but when they learn that it uses artificial intelligence techniques they are instantly afraid.

  3. Dangerous jobs:

    @Are they necessary?
    a job is an economical term. as long as somebody pays for doing something and somebody accepts that payment - that particular job will exist.

    @Is there any way of reducing number of deaths?
    but why? people should be aware of the risks, i doubt they're forced to choose this jobs. it's their own risk, they don't have to do this.

    @Do you know any other dangerous professions?
    maybe firefighting? risking own life is probably a big part of this job.

  4. Begging:

    beggars nowadays are trying to make you feel uneasy by showing how life is unfair - you have everything and they have nothing. this usually works, because most people are social and feel somehow responsible for others (even totally unrelated).
    i don't. i live my own life, i don't want others to care for me and i don't care for other unrelated people.
    i have never given any money to a beggar, but twice i have bought someone a dinner. why? because they asked for it in a way that was very polite. this kind of beggars are very rare nowadays.

  5. Money:

    * The U.S. Department of the Treasury first issued paper currency of the United States in 1862 as a result of a shortage of coins and the need to finance the Civil War.

    this is a great way to induce a financial crysis. printing money to finance something? where's the basic economical knowledge..

  6. It is a comment to "what makes people happy"

    I totally agree with the author of this topic. Lately I heard the words of Janek Mela, the disabled boy who reached the Arctic Pole. He said that disability is a state of mind. Illness or any other unpleasant experience can help us to realize what is really important in our life. All we need is to appeciate what we have.

  7. I read about "Original ways to spend your money".
    My crazy dream is to have pub near the Caribbean sea, with surfing school or something like that. If I had won lottery ticket I would probably invest part of the money in real estates to protect my kids and family in future.

  8. I read an article about World’s Pollution.
    I strongly agree that WE have to take care about the Earth, because if we did not there wouldn’t be a second chance.
    It’s easier to destroy something than repair. We would have to spend thousands of years to recovery it back.
    So changing our way of life is the only one opportunity.
    But there is one topic that I want to disagree. Global warming. People increase concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) so in the aftermath we can observe temperature’s increase. That is not true. We are producing only 1%-2% of carbon dioxide per year. But the rest belongs to plants, flowers, animals and sees.
    When we take a look on the Earth history we can observe that there were many global warmings in the past. It looks like sine curve chart.
    There is always warming period when concentration of CO2 became higher than something collapse and we have global quench.

