Monday, 29 March 2010

Power of Nightmares- a film

Go to
and watch the film The Power of Nightmares. Comment on it please.

Do you believe it is true? Are we manipulated by our governments and first of all lobbyists standing behind them? Is there any way for ordinary people to react to it?


  1. I agree with authors of the film. Creating a illusionary fearsome enemy is a great way to control the nation.

    Media show Iraq as a warzone with unending gunfire and bombings but is it really different to resistance in Poland during WWII? I don't think so.

    What can we do about it? Not much, just don't live in fear.

  2. Such illusory fear is created by politicians and media. As the authors said politicians very often behave as managers of public life. Their 'fight' with terrorism gives them public support that is needed e.g before elections. Politicians promise to protect us from dangers. This demagogy is especially effective in difficult time. As Adam said, it's very easy to control people who live in fear.

  3. I think that it might be true, maybe there is terrorism, but not for that huge scale as it is in media. US is able to such manipulation, the do many things, that are secret, for example UFO, it are only scientific experiments, new planes and air ships, but they are secret, that they are called as UFO...

    The other reason is: if we don`t know what is the point, the point is MONEY :), and take to control people and other countries, this war with al kaida is extremely huge machine to make money and drives the economy.

  4. I am thinking why on this blog there are only sad posts..? Krzysztof wrote about longevity, and the reason why most of us would not live more then 100 years, Adam about the end of world, and you Mrs Malgorzata about terrorism and manipulating the people. We have a great perspective of spring and summer, weather is much better then few weeks ago and it is going to be better in next few months. The only thing I have in my mind now is to pass last term on PJIIT and go for a while for some holidays.
    All of the people who is writing/talking about the about these things are the part of the system created by the governments to manipulate us. More this kind of comments on any blogs, newspapers, films, etc. lobbyists have easier way to "push" governments on "the right way". This is my standpoint.

  5. I would like you to pay attention to interesting political choice which was giving the Oscar to the movie The Hurt Locker which talks about the war in Iraq comparing war to a drug. The aim of this movie is to convince the audience that war in Iraq was justified even if the did not find any weapon of massive destruction. The whole movie is focused on the problem of terrorism which is shown as the main threat for western civilization. I think that this choice is a kind of manipulation and easy way of creating public opinion. I would say that the movie is rather average...

    Another thing I would like to point up is the access to the Internet and easiness of making "facts". I think that everyone who has a video camera and knows how to use Adobe After Effects can manipulate thousands of people.

  6. this is typical for governments that use to control citizens. as this governments keep taking away our freedom they have to show us some kind of reason for such actions - and creating a big, illusionary threat works great.
    just to make it clear - most of the western countries (especially the whole EU, but US as well) are socialistic and I believe socialism to be the negation of freedom.

  7. Media are very powerful weapon these days, we should be aware that some people/organization can use them to control our life. If someone is able to control media he can easily change the way we think about for example war/terrorist attack. It is very important to look for informations in many different sources (newspapers from another countries etc.)

  8. The idea if using fear to control societies is terrifying. I agree that during Bush’s era it was noticeable in his administrations rhetoric and that this is dangerous. It justifies increased funding of the army and limitations in personal freedom. The threat of creating society paralyzed in fear and under total control of government would be greater thanks to free media. I think that media play a great role in our society and this role will be more and more significant.

  9. As Adam said, I agree with author of the movie, to keep quite little fear among citizens and rescue them from this fear is "good" policy to achieve better result in elections. Media could also distort reality but in my opinion, there is no Al-Kaida.

  10. I strongly agree with Tomasz and also s4140. The film concentrates on Republicans an try to prove that the conservatives are manipulators. What about manipulations from the left side of scene? What about global warming problem and HUGE money spent on solving ecological drama? Is global warming a fact or just a way to manipulate people, a kind eco-terrorism? Or, what about last flu epidemic in Europe? Great fear, a lot of money spent and then... ups, false alarm?
    Also, there is a thesis about the cold war and weakness of Soviet Union that I cannot agree. At the moment, there is no S.U., but only Russia with poor economy and even poorer demography. And what? All the E.U. licks its boots.

  11. I'm really really suprised. This movie have just open my eyes wider. I knew before that US were cheating about the great threat of terrorists and their secret super weapons. Once i saw a document were US vice president declared (he was 100% sure) that Al Quaida have a super weapon and very high-tech laboratories inside some kind of trucks. After they send their troops it came out that nothing was there.. I just wanted to add facts about recent flu epidemic and global warming problem but i see that Asia have already mentioned that and i don't have nothing to add. Personally I don't think that we can ever be released from the power of goverments and politics. Thing have gone too far like with banks which are now controlling our monetary system...

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I my opinion this is the same situation that we have with Landing on the Moon.
    There are two points of view. Followers said that is true, three brave men have landed on the Moon, left the flag, taken pictures.
    Opponents said everything is a big mystification. They directed everything. They wrote the scenario and created it on Nevada’s desert.

    Few months ago I read an article about Freemasonry. The conclusion was: every little thing, event the global crisis is perfectly directed by group of people called Masons – they rule the world.
    *print screen'ed*
