Tuesday, 8 June 2010


I am sure everyone heard about Janusz Korwin – Mikke from Wolność i Praworządność political party. I would like to present his views on some important social and economic affairs. I realize he is very controversial, but often his views are really accurate.

Janusz Korwin – Mikke was the president of UPR and currently WiP. He is 68 years old and this year he is the candidate for the president for the fourth time :)

I've always thought he is only a political freak. I watched many movies on youtube with him and

I must admit that he is quite often right. I would like to point out that I'm not a fanatic of his party and program as I'm not with him in many issues.

  1. Possession of weapons

There are numerous reasons I am against gun ownership. Below you can watch what JKM thinks about it.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LauK7YTvmzI (1,2)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2fOhYU-3EY (1,2)

He says that if someone wants to kill you, he will do it with a knife or a baseball bat and

he prefers to die with a gun rather than with a knife ;) It's a big simplification, isn't it?

You must remember hooligans don't feel anything. I agree that gangsters always have a gun. But young, stupid hooligans do not. So you shouldn't simplify it. It could only encourage young people to assaults. I think the access to guns should be still limited because I don't know how to control it. If the rules and law change I will maybe change my mind. But on the other hand a hooligan will never try to kill you due to the fear you have a gun too. What do you think about it? :)

      1. What do you think about the possession of weapons?
      2. Have you ever been interested in JKM's views?


  1. There are some issues which I cannot agree with Korwin-Mikke, but in many cases my views are similar. I think that if we allow people to possess weapon, we allow them to defend themselves. If you want to kill someone, you can do it without weapon. About your example: if, as you wrote, young stupid hooligans want to scare me (with a gun or knife, doesn't really matter) and I also have a gun, there is no reason to be afraid of them. Moreover, I think that vox populi is not an argument, people as mass are very often wrong.

  2. Ad. 1
    I think that possession is not a problem in this case. As far as I know its (more or less) is easy to get permission for a gun. The problem begins when you want to use it against attacker. So I think that some changes in legislation are necessary.

    Ad. 2.
    I was interested in JKM views. I agree with you that he is quite often right, but he also seems to be inconsistent. On one hand he says that people needs more freedom, that they should choices for themselves, but on the other hand he says that womens should get back kitchen and so on. It reminds me ancient Greek democracy where everyone could vote and state your point of view unless you were: women, slave, underage, etc. ,etc.

  3. Ad. 2. Yes, but I think that most of his views are so irrational, that I would never vote for him.

  4. 1. To be honest i have no idea. I was thinking about it for a while but in the end i have the same amount of pros and cons.
    2. Yes i watched a lot of interviews with JKM and i'm quite sad that he don't have any chance in coming elections. He's very inteligent and smart - he have my vote.

  5. @Maciej Bielski:
    JKM only says that woman's _traditional role_ is 'in kitchen', taking care of her children and their father.
    he never said that any law should force woman to do that.
    this is a big difference imo :)

    i bet that given full freedom ("do whatever you want, but don't harm other people") this traditional model would still be dominant - men at work and women taking care of households. in JKM's opinion this is just natural.

  6. I don't know about weapons, there are too many weirdos around...

    JKMs views are quite radical but seem to make sense. Too bad he doesn't have the slightest chance in the upcoming elections, although if you look at the facebook survey his chances are similar to Komorowski ;)

  7. Yes, JKM doesn't force woman to live only in kitchen. He says women work on three shifts and men earn money for them. So men are their slaves (as in the past) ;) But the women issue is the one I'm not with JKM. I really don't want my wife to work at home.

  8. There is so loud in media, and between people just before the elections, I am happy that I'm not interested in politics.

  9. I saw him once at the shopping center. Funny guy.
    I read few articles, watched few interviews… He has all the time something interesting to say. The funniest JKM’s idea was “Benzyna za 2 złote dla KAŻDEGO”

  10. >What do you think about the possession of weapons?
    Very bad idea...
    >Have you ever been interested in JKM's views?
    Yes, specially after I had watched interviews. He has some good idea but for me he is to radical.

  11. I think that not everybody should be allowed to carry a gun. There are so many insane and aggressive people that it could be very dangerous for society...
    JKM?- I am not interested.

  12. 1. I don't like such idea
    2. To be honest - NO, i don't like such radicals ideas.
