Friday, 11 June 2010

  1. Other interesting JKM's views

At first I wanted to write about parities, but I thought It could be risky subject a bit ;-)

In the third part of my presentation I would like to show other interesting points of JKM's


    • hospitals' privatization

I'm absolutely with JKM. All doctors demand that, but none of our candidates (except for JKM) is for that postulate. Hospitals' privatization does not mean that poor people will die on the street. But I will write about it next year on ITN ;)

    • do not subsidize people. JKM hates socialism. He says it's not good for us. Each of us should try to achieve success on their own. Below part of funny discussion. On youtube you can watch many movies about socialism :)

    • He believes that global warming does not exist. I read about that and I agree with him.

Volcano eruption released to atmosphere more CO2 than all cars for 84 years.

    • Below you can watch really funny discussion with a feminist ;-)

As I noticed JKM doesn't like feminism ;)

    • JKM about EU

JKM is against EU. But you should watch all movies carefully. He says about himself:

'I am European and I want to be in Schengen and Economic Community'.

Everything is explained in these movies.

      1. Do you agree with JKM in these issues?
      2. What do you think about parties? :)


  1. Ad 1
    In some cases yes. In some other not.

    Ad 2
    I fully agree with JKM that parties care only about next election. Also I agree that most parties do not have any reasonable manifesto and all parties manifesto are similar.

  2. I think that JKM is funny with his views, but in general most people vote for him, because they do not have any other candidate, and thay know that JKM would not win, and they are happy with it. They do not want to take responsibility for their vote for candidate, who their are not sure.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 1. Korwin is wonderful! :-) I agree with him in most cases. I can't understand Szymon - most of his voters will vote for him in the first turn, because then they won't loose their vote and in the second they will choose another candidate. If you don't want to take responsibility, you just don't participate in elections.
    2. About parties or parities? ;-)

  5. I found JKM very funny and that’s all. He belongs to the group of people we can call them controversial. Poland, as a very catholic nation has to have such people (Mr. Korwin-Mikke, Mr. Palikot), maybe then some points of view will change. For me he is only a larrikin, nothing more.

    What about parties? There was a song: “It’s all ’bout the money”.
    The group of people who wants to grab/still as much money as they could during cadence period. Also during my whole life I have never met clever, straight and honest politician.

  6. JKN's view are very radical but some of them make a sense and i have to admit that I agree with them
    The second question? I agree with Tomasz F.-unfortunately for us "It's all about the money.."

  7. Ohm, typo! :) I wanted to write parIties (parytety) ;-]
