This is the last part of my presentation. So far I have mentioned some facts and definitions. Now I want to present some interesting (and surprising) breakthrough in the search for extraterrestrial life. Today I will write about ... Mars.
I think the Red Planet is one of the most characteristic planets in solar system and beyond. Mars was theme for many books, movies and games. However I will don't mention these, but rather state some facts.
Is Mars Earth-like?
Lets take a look at some numbers.
Mars mass = 0.107 Earths
Mars surface = 0.284 Earths
Mars volume = 0.151 Earths
Mars radius = 0.531 Earths
As we can see Mars seems to be completely different, but...
Interesting isn't it?
Final words
I would like to thank for all the comments and participation. I hope that my presentation was a bit interesting. Personally I believe there is intelligent life beyond solar system and I hope that one day we meet it. I also hope that this will be peaceful. Even though I can imagine that worlds capable of supporting life are rare and precious, and that finally could be reason for conflict. But, who knows?
[1] According to the video above; (again) Do you think that we find extraterrestrial life within decade? (assuming that they send ARES ... )
[2] What is your favorite (of course if there is any) book, movie or game related to Mars?