Sunday, 11 April 2010


In 3rd part i'm not going to tell you stories about famous band from USA but about unhealthy drinks, drugs, narcotics which are damaging our organism.

Tobacco contains nicotine which is both a stimulant and a sedative to the central nervous system. It is known to be a very addictive substance. Smokers can become physically and psychologically dependent. The long term health risks of smoking cigarettes include emphysema, heart disease, stroke, and cancer of the mouth, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, lungs, pancreas, cervix, uterus, and bladder.

Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant. Short term effects of excessive alcohol intake may include impaired judgment and coordination, distorted vision, slurred speech, nausea, and blackouts. Death from alcohol poisoning begins to be a possibility if the blood alcohol level reaches .30. The long term health risks of heavy drinking include hypertension, stroke, cirrhosis of the liver, heart problems, brain and nerve damage, sexual dysfunction, and stomach ailments.

Marijuana contains THC (Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) which accounts for most of its psychoactive or mind altering effects. The short-term effects of using marijuana include sleepiness, memory and concentration problems, impaired motor coordination, increased heart rate, dry mouth and throat, and decreased social inhibitions. The long term effects of using marijuana include impaired lung functioning, sexual problems, breast tissue development in men, and possible immune system damage.

Narcotics are painkillers or analgesics. These drugs include morphine, heroin, codeine, and Dilaudid, all of which are derived from opium. Synthetic narcotics include drugs such as Demerol, Percodan, and Darvon. These drugs tend to reduce sensory feeling and sensitivity of all kinds, to pleasure as well as pain. In large doses, they induce drowsiness, mental clouding, lethargy, and even sleep. They are highly addictive. Overdose risks include convulsions, coma, and death.

Anabolic Steroids are synthetic derivatives of the male hormone testosterone. These derivatives of testosterone promote the growth of skeletal muscle and increase lean body mass. The long-term, high dose effects of steroid use are largely unknown. Major side effects of anabolic steroid use include liver tumors, jaundice, fluid retention, high blood pressure, acne, and trembling. Aggression and mood swings as well as other psychiatric side effects may result from their abuse.

Which from above have you already tried?
Healthy lifestyle is now in fashion - do you think people will follow it?


  1. It's shame but I am smoker, I know that it is against healthy lifestyle but it is really hard to quit this addiction.

    A healthy lifestyle is very important even if it doesn't go to such high extremes, being healthy is important. I hope that people will follow this fashion, to be honest I'm trying to do that by myself. I hope it will help me have a longer and more active life.(I just need to quit smoking :[ )

  2. I don't smoke, don't take drugs and drink occasionally with my friends. Maybe there's something wrong with me ;)

    Still I think that the biggest "killer" is time.

  3. I am a chain smoker, but I am doing everything I can (read: nothing, instead of thinking) to stop smoking.

    When I saw picture with this big hamburger the first thing I had in my mind was to go tomorrow during the lunch break to Burger King and order triple Whoper ;P

  4. When I'm watching films about cancer I try stop smoking. But after 15 minutes I gave up that idea. I noticed, more and more people running, train at the gym and try to eat healthy food. Such lifestyle has influence on our mood and health of course

  5. I could write the same as Adam. Including time as the biggest killer :-)

  6. I am doing my best to stay fit. Of course, not always it works out. Last year I dramatically decreased number of smoked cigarettes by working out in a gym. Trust me after first 3 minutes of warm up, you will regret every single one. I changed diet also. I learned that just by following few rules you can control your weight as you want. No big deal. ;o)

  7. None of these listed, but I`m addicted of eating :) now it is not so much as before, but I could eat much, much, too much, for example 2 big pizzas, i can eat so much, that i have problem witch moveing :) i think it is my one addiction :)

  8. I have never tried none of above;)
    Seriously, I am very glad that I am not addicted of any stimulants that you mentioned in your blog.
    Occasionally I drink some alcoholic beverages with my friends and some wine when I have romantic dinner with my wife...

  9. "addicted to" - sorry for mistake:)

  10. My favorite(and only) addiction is alcohol consumption. Although I know it is not very healthy, I don't plan to give it up anytime soon. I strongly believe that it just cannot be so damaging when consumed in reasonable amounts. Besides, drinking red wine can even be beneficial for your health (longevity).

  11. i do smoke (a lot), i do drink alcohol (average), i do use drugs (a little).
    i try not to worry about any possible consequences :)

  12. As we said before everything is for people…
    Health food is becoming increasingly popular...and I think that trend is good.
    But everyone have to have a choice. Who want salad – eat salad, who want extra, super-duper cheeseburger – eat burger.

    *print screen’ed”

  13. I haven't tried to smoke (my left lung is damaged since I was four) nor drugs. On the other hand I love wines, when I was younger I used to drink beer and vodka. ;)

  14. I used to smoke tobacco a lot... I think 9-10 years ago. ;/ No drugs... I'm only fun of vodka. Ok, maybe not fun but I don't say "No" :P
